For Media

What can we help you with?

This is the resource connection to help media professionals find the latest information, videos, images, facts and statistics about Santa Maria Valley. The Santa Maria Valley is happy to serve journalists with press referrals, interviews, events and travel-related coverage.

All media inquiries should be directed to:
Nicole Shearer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (530) 448-6485

All other inquiries should be directed to:
Jennifer Harrison
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (805) 925-2403

Download a press kit Press Kit.

Chamber News

You can review all of the latest chamber, business, education and community news and happenings any time simply on our dynamic, online newsletter at!

Check often, as content will be continuously updated. You may also subscribe to a RSS feed from the site to have new articles sent directly to your inbox.

If you are a member of the Chamber of Commerce and would like to submit content for inclusion on the site, review these guidelines, then email your content to [email protected].

The Chamber Connection

The Chamber also publishes this bimonthly newsletter in partnership with the Santa Maria Times. The Chamber Connection, highlights issues of importance to business, features successes of member businesses, and provides updates on Chamber programs and events. This publication is inserted into the Santa Maria Times the third Wednesday of every other month, and is also available at the Chamber office and at membership events.

You can view PDF copies of previous issues here. 

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any media resource or if you have any questions at all.

Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce
614 S. Broadway
Santa Maria, CA 93454
Phone: (805) 925-2403
Fax: (805) 928-7559
[email protected]