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Disc Golf

Disc golf is a fairly newer sport, started in the 1970’s, but has gained a lot of traction in recent years. The sport has been on the rise in popularity for over two decades, and the Santa Maria Valley has been a top destination for professional disc golf players. Our courses offer an enjoyable experience for players of all ages and skill levels.

The sport is pretty simple to play and very similar to playing golf. Instead of using a ball and clubs, players use discs that are thrown towards a basket. Each throw, called a stroke, counts as a penalty unless the player lands the disc in the basket. The player with the least amount of strokes wins the game.

Whether you are a professional or just getting started in the sport there are some really great courses in our area. The largest and most competitive course is located in Waller Park. The course has 27 holes; 11 of the holes are located on hills. Other honorable mentions for courses: check out Preisker Park or Sisquoc Elementary School! These are smaller courses, but are less crowded typically compared to Waller Park.

For those looking to get into a new sport, or trying to find a new hobby, we encourage you to get outside and give disc golf a try.

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